Remember Your Event!

Remember Your Event! - Create a happy, sharp memory

Will your event be a blur?

When starting to consider centerpieces for your special event. Choose a centerpiece that will put a smile on your face! Putting together events can be stressful and stress can affect your memory. Adding décor and items that enjoy looking at, can help. When you start to feel stressed make a conscious effort to focus on things that make you feel good like a centerpiece that reminds you of your passions.

Choose decor that speaks to your heart

Pick a centerpiece with elements that are personal, inspire you and make you feel good! Also, what speaks to your passions and the passions of other celebrated individuals at this event. Combine miniature props with beautiful flowers or floating candles. Add colors that lift your spirit. Some obvious examples of props, for sport celebrations would be basketball themed items, a golf ball tee'd up, a tennis racket in a vase of flowers and so on.
Award banquets are a great event to have themed displays that are also gifted or raffled to attendees, which adds to the fun.

If it's a wedding the centerpiece should be representative of both people. Maybe there's an activity or a place where the couple met that could be brought in the display. A bouquet of daisies with miniature bicycles for the gal that loves daisies and the partner that bikes. If the couple likes to spend weekends at the beach, then a beach themed centerpiece could bring fond memories as the two gaze on the display.

A display with miniature horses at the horse lovers birthday party. Mini high heel shoes would work for the fashion
conscious one.

I love deep orange roses, the ones that are almost red and go to
almostyellow in the middle. They look like floral fire to me! When I see this color of roses I just have to stop and admire them and smell them if I can get close enough! Stress and appreciation don't happen at the same time.

Diffuse the stress that will cause the blur

Remember, if you start to feel the stress. Maybe you notice you're not breathing. Take a deep breath and pay attention. Notice your centerpiece and decorations. What do they represent? Are they beautiful? Take time to reflect, observe and appreciate. Before you know it, you'll be in the moment and in a great mood. As you focus on positive aspects of your party you will remember it as a great event!

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What's Your Passion Centerpieces?

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